welcome !!

welcome to my own little archive of whatever i happen to desire to put here. i've messed around with html stuff off and on for a few years, but haven't really retained much knowledge about how to use it, so this site currently uses a template by pomelo!! please enjoy your stay, but if you don't that's fine too!

please note that this site is and will be a continous work in progress !! <3

about me

put stuff here later


  • make about me (maybe make it a separate page?)
  • put stuff thats still in old format into this one
  • link other section thingies into sidebar
  • maybe change this template slightly so the line under underlined things is solid, i keep thinking they're links
  • also maybe change the font? i think this one looks really cool but it can be a bit hard to read, especially in paragraphs or with symbols
  • i think in the lil sidebar area i want a lil updates section
  • and also comments?
  • calendars are cool - another sidebar thing
  • also maybe rethink the page names, to be cooler? or prettier...

    semi-long term life/general stuff
  • actually get into that course to finish getting my diploma
  • slowly add more to my daily routine - and hopefully end up taking better care of myself
  • re-do my room
    • do something with old furniture
    • reorganize existing stuff
    • paint walls
    • redo flooring
    • make sure the floor is braced underneath the house before i move stuff around! i don't want it falling in...
    • buy new furniture & assemble
    • and finish putting it all together :D

Header 2


header 3

header 4

header 5
header 6

more text - the p below this in the code puts the little space below this. remove to make this text flush with the bottom of the box

more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text

html/css by
pomelo ;)